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Annual Report 2017

Sustainability Report included

A leading branded consumer goods company

#1 Leading in the Nordics

Orkla is the leading branded consumer goods company in the Nordic region.

#1 Leading in the Baltics

Orkla is the leading branded consumer goods company in the Baltic region.

300 Strong local brands

Orkla has more than 300 local brands that hold strong positions.

8.5 mil. Orkla products sold

Every single day, Orkla sells 8.5 million consumer units.

Operating revenues

39.6 NOK billion

EPS (continuing operations)

3.46 NOK

EBIT (adj)

4.6 NOK billion

Number of employees


EBIT (adj) margin



Nutrition and wellness

Making it easier to live healthily

Safe products

Safe products are a question of trust

Sustainable sourcing

Partnership for sustainable raw materials

Environmental engagement

Strong engagement for the environment

Care for people and society

Strong local engagement for sustainability

Sustainability Report

Branded Consumer Goods

  • Operating revenues (NOK billion)
  • EBIT (adj.) (NOK billion)

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